3D Printer Filament for Fairfield

This project will raise funds to purchase 3D printer filament for making models.

Fairfield Foundation Funded March 6, 2020 at 8:27 am
Pledged of $100 goal
Days Left
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The goal of this campaign is to raise funds to purchase 3D printer filament to create educational models of archaeology at Fairfield Plantation. This project began in 2017 with the goal of developing an interactive model of the manor house at Fairfield. The model represents both the house and the archaeological process that uncovered it by utilizing 3D printed replicas of each test unit layer we excavate. The layers connect like pieces of a puzzle, allowing visitors to pick up each piece and “excavate” the ruins.

The project began in August with an initial drone survey of two excavation blocks at the south end of the house. Each block is comprised of nine 5’ x 5’ test units. Block 4, encompassing the southwest corner of the building, was excavated in 2006, while Block 20, encompassing the southeast corner, was unexcavated prior to this project. We began excavating the test units in Block 20 following an initial drone survey, then repeated the process when we reached the base of Layer A. We processed both photogrammetric models to generate the Block 20 layers, then used detailed written documentation from past excavations in 2006 to generate soil layers from Block 4. These blocks and each removable layer within them were the first installment of our interactive model.

We completed the prototype phase of this project in February 2018. The prototype represents a 15’ x 30’ block of excavation units that encompass the south gable of the manor house. We are now working to complete production of the Fairfield model, bringing it up to date to reflect the site as it currently exists, including all excavation data from 2000 to the present. We are also digitally reconstructing and printing the upper levels of the house so they can be incorporated into the model. This reconstruction will put the past directly in your hands as you uncover the ruins layer by layer, then place the house back on the foundation to see the property as it looked throughout its history.