For Donors
Donors to VACT projects have an unparalleled opportunity to make direct and lasting impacts on the study Virginia’s spectacular archaeological sites, spanning thousands of years of history.
Browse through the current listings to see active projects from many categories.
Types of project funding
Donations to ongoing funding projects will be processed right away and sent to the proponent organization. Your dollars will support what’s happening right now.
Donations to one-time threshold projects will only be processed and sent to the proponent organization when the project has been fully funded, at or over 100% of the goal by its end date.
Support for Virginia’s Threatened Sites
In addition to supporting the project(s) of your choice, a small percentage of every donation is earmarked for the Archeological Society of Virginia’s Threatened Sites Fund, where it will be distributed for work on significant sites imperiled by development, the changing climate, and other threats.
Each of our listed projects is sponsored by a non-profit organization and your donations are tax deductible within the limits of the current tax laws.
For Applicants
If you are a professional archaeologist or non-profit entity seeking funding for a qualifying project we invite you to submit your application and have your project crowdfunded through VACT.
Project proponents must furnish proof of non-profit status, qualifications of project archaeologists, research designs and supporting documentation. This material will be reviewed for approval by the VACT Board of Directors before projects are listed on the website.
Once approved, your project page may be customized to feature text, videos, photos, and links to additional information.
Types of Project Funding
Donations to ongoing funding projects will be processed right away and sent to your organization.
Donations to one-time threshold projects will only be processed and sent to your organization when the project has been fully funded, at or over 100% of the goal by its end date.
If your organization supports a department of archaeology or other ongoing qualifying work, you will be asked to provide an overview of current projects, staff qualifications and explain how your work meets state and federal guidelines for professional archaeological research.
VACT funds are intended to directly support your archaeological research project and are not to be used for capital outlay. Salaries and reasonable overhead costs are acceptable.